Digital Accessibility Lawsuits

2023 Report Now Available

Key takeaways

In January, 104 lawsuits were filed. 48% filed in New York; Asher Cohen Law PLLC filed the most complaints with 27 in Illinois; 6 Plaintiffs filed 42% of lawsuits; and <1% of the litigated websites used overlay tools.

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Monthly Lawsuit Recap

Plaintiff Name: Andres Gomez Filing date: March 29, 2021 State of filing: California Defendant Name: Dream Hotel...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Mar 29, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Donna Hedges Filing date: March 2, 2021 State of filing: New York Defendant Name: Omusubi...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Mar 2, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Kyo Hak Chu Filing date: February 26, 2021 State of filing: California Defendant Name: Pat Kuleto...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 26, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Cesar Cotto Filing date: February 25, 2021 State of filing: California Defendant Name: Tan-Cha...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 25, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Cesar Cotto Filing date: February 25, 2021 State of filing: California Defendant Name: Rad Coffee...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 25, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Victor Ariza Filing date: February 24, 2021 State of filing: Florida Defendant Name: Smoothie King...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 24, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Brian Fischler Filing date: February 23, 2021 State of filing: New York Defendant Name: The Cookie...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 23, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Chris Langer Filing date: February 22, 2021 State of filing: California Defendant Name: Rosewood...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 22, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Brett DeSalvo Filing date: February 22, 2021 State of filing: California Defendant Name: B. G....
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 22, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Angel Rodriquez Filing date: February 19, 2021 State of filing: New York Defendant Name: Gobble,...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 19, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Pedro Martinez Filing date: February 19, 2021 State of filing: New York Defendant Name: Chowbus,...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 19, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Jose Quezada Filing date: February 17, 2021 State of filing: New York Defendant Name: Expedia,...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 17, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Windy Lucius Filing date: February 15, 2021 State of filing: Florida Defendant Name: Islamorada...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 15, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Windy Lucius Filing date: February 15, 2021 State of filing: Florida Defendant Name: Prime 112,...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 15, 2021
Plaintiff Name: Brett Desalvo Filing date: February 12, 2021 State of filing: California Defendant Name:...
Hotel, Restaurant and Leisure Feb 12, 2021