This glossary covers a wide range of topics and includes terms that describe people, technology, concepts, and more.
Some of the terms, marked by this icon ,
are widely considered to be
Talking devices are augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices that help people communicate. A...
Text-to-speech is assistive technology software that reads digital text aloud. It takes digital words on a device...
An important part of keyboard accessibility, tab order describes the order in which elements come into focus when...
A term to describe touch, or concepts or objects that are based on touch.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Telehealth sometimes called Telemedicine: is the...
Tetraplegia is another term for quadriplegia, which is paralysis in all four limbs and possibly torso.
Trisomy is the medical term for a copy of a chromosome and 21 refers to the chromosome copied that results in...
A device that enables phone communication through typed messages for people who can't or choose not to communicate...