Transcript for Beau Bowker Breathwork
Hello. I'm Beau Bowker and welcome to your breath work meditation. This breath work that we're about to do is a heart activating, heart opening breath work. It's all going to be in through the mouth, OK? In and out through the mouth. Our first couple of breaths, we're going to do right now in through the nose. And out through the mouth. OK? This is to begin to let go of any active thinking, any busy mind. OK?
Keep breathing even while I am talking. Bringing in this breath, It's a cleansing breath. Let it be a cleansing breath. Clearing out any density or stickiness in the mind. And our energy and awareness shifting down into the lower chakras, into the heart space. Let's do three more deep breaths in through the nose, and sigh it out through the mouth.
Ah. That's right, make some noise. It's a good way to release energy. It's not weird if we all do it, right? OK. Let's do two more like that. Ah. Feeling a little bit more relaxed, a little looser. One more deep one and big exhale with sound like that.
Ah. All right, well done. Beautiful, beautiful. Now we're going to begin our breath work. Continue to get comfortable, OK? Now, that might be in the seated position, in your chair. You can get down on the ground. You can to lie down. You can sit criss cross applesauce in the Lotus position. Whatever is most comfortable. Whatever is available to you, OK?
So this is a three part breath work. It's all going to be in and out through the mouth because we are getting into our heart. We are amplifying our heart, activating our heart, amplifying love as we rest the mind, quiet the ego. Let those thoughts come and go without judgment. Any thoughts pop up, we let them pass through like a cloud, but we let them go. We just don't hang on to them.
So the first two parts of the breath are in to the belly. Then into the chest. And releasing through the mouth. That's our third part. First part, the belly. Second part into the chest. Third part out through the mouth. Belly. Chest. Mouth. In. In. Out.
Let the breath be full, but not forced. Find your own rhythm. Find your own pace. Whether your eyes are in a soft gaze or whether they are closed, picture a light in the center of your chest, in the center of your heart chakra. Picture a light.
Keep coming back to the breath. As you breathe, see and feel this light expand. Become more acquainted with it. Let it be your sole focus like the breathing become automatic. Notice the light. Does it have a color to it? Does it have a texture to it? Does it have a temperature to it?
Let it continue to expand across your chest, across your shoulders, down your arms. If you are feeling tingles in your extremities, in your hands, across your chest, in your lips, this is all perfectly normal. The tingling is telling us that the heart is opening. Keep coming back. Feeling that breath. Feeling that light ascend up into the higher chakra of the throat.
The third eye, feeling it descend and ground down through the abdomen, the solar plexus. Down below the belly button into the sacral chakra. And down the legs through the root chakra. All the way to the tips of your toes, the soles of your feet. And all the way up through the crown of your head. You are now filled with this bright light. This light is a light of peace. It's a light of love.
Anything that it touches-- and it is now all throughout your body. Anything it touches feels more love, feels more peace. Begin to recognize that this is not just an image in your mind. This light, this energy, this vibration that it carries, is your essence. It is not merely part of you. It is you. Feel it now expand beyond the boundaries of your body.
This light, this energy field fills up the room you are in. Let it go as far as you can or are willing to imagine. And remember that anything it touches is filled with more peace and more love. This energy is accessible to you at any moment. You can always come back to the breath.
And now come back to a more normal pace and style of breathing, whatever that means to you. You may want to breathe again through the nose. If it is available to you, you may want to give your body some micro stretches.
When you are ready, gently open your eyes if they were closed. If you have the willingness or ability to put your hands on your heart, you may want to do that. Or simply imagine your hands going to your heart space.
Your breath work meditation journey is complete. Hope you feel a little bit lighter, a little bit brighter, a little bit more peace, and a lot more love. I would love to hear how this experience went for you if you want to reach out to me on social media. Thank you. All love, all blessings. Namaste.