Why 99% Accuracy in Captions Matters

Published May 28, 2024

Digital accessibility promotes equal access to online information for everyone, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities. Providing accurate captions for video content is a crucial step toward this goal, creating an inclusive experience for those with hearing impairments and others who benefit from captions. 

When executed with 99% accuracy, captions not only comply with legal standards but also enhance comprehension and engagement for as broad of an audience as possible. This article aims to explore how near-perfect caption accuracy makes all the difference in curating universally accessible digital content.

Understanding the impact of captions

Captions are textual representations of the audio content in videos. There are two main types: closed captions, which viewers can turn on or off, and open captions, which are always visible. Captions benefit the estimated 1.5 billion people worldwide with some type of hearing impairment. 

The utility of captions also extends to a wide range of users. Non-native speakers, for example, use them to better understand the language of the content they’re watching. Users in noisy environments can use captions for clarity. Furthermore, captions aid in the comprehension and retention of material in educational settings. Their widespread use and function underscore their importance and why aiming for near-perfect accuracy is important.

Why 99%?

When producing captions, one should aim for at least a 99% accuracy rate, meaning nearly all words transcribed accurately reflect the original audio. This standard recognizes the challenges in achieving absolute perfection due to speech complexities like diverse accents, rapid dialogue, and technical jargon. 

Despite advancements, automated captioning tools may struggle with homophones and specialized terms, resulting in errors. Human captioners, capable of interpreting context and nuances, also are limited by speed and are subject to human error, making 100% accuracy a challenging goal. 

Therefore, 99% accuracy is deemed a realistic benchmark for high-quality captioning. It balances precision with practicality, ensuring content is accurately conveyed while acknowledging the limitations of technology and human capability.

The ethics behind accuracy

Content creators and digital platforms have an ethical obligation to provide captions consistently and maintain the standard 99% accuracy rate to help ensure viewers of all abilities have equitable access to information, communication, and entertainment. Failing to do so can have consequences.

For instance, inaccurate captions can lead to misinformation. If the captions in a lecture misrepresent the answer to a question, it corrupts the integrity of the lesson and puts the students using captions at a disadvantage. Inaccurate captions can also frustrate and confuse viewers, especially those who rely on captions for understanding. This may cause viewers to feel excluded, which ultimately defeats the purpose of why the captions were there in the first place.

This is why creators need to prioritize accuracy. A commitment to precise captioning is fundamental for an inclusive digital environment, allowing full and effective participation for all users.

Legal imperatives

Legal requirements and standards for captioning, such as those mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), require accessible content creation to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The Department of Justice further specifies that covered entities should adhere to the standards and steps outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). WCAG sets specific guidelines for making web content more accessible, including standards for captioning. 

Neglecting these standards can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for businesses and organizations. The National Association of the Deaf's 2011 lawsuit against Netflix highlights the legal repercussions of non-compliance and underscores the necessity for entities to adhere to accessibility standards. 

Organizations that proactively embrace high caption accuracy not only mitigate legal risks but also enhance their reputation, broadening their audience base and fostering loyalty among users who value accessibility.

Best practices

Content creators aiming to enhance caption accuracy should select reputable captioning services that leverage both artificial intelligence (AI) and human oversight. It's important to prioritize providers known for high accuracy rates and quick turnaround times. Implementing quality assurance processes, such as manual reviews and corrections of captions before publication, further ensures accuracy and compliance with accessibility standards.

Furthermore, it’s always worthwhile to run captions through manual testing with viewerswho regularly use captions. This can provide a real-world perspective on the effectiveness of a content creator's accessibility efforts. By adhering to these practices, content creators not only broaden their content's reach but also foster a positive and accessible viewing experience for all audiences.


Achieving 99% caption accuracy helps ensure that digital content is accessible to everyone, including those with auditory impairments. This commitment to accuracy necessitates adopting current standards and actively participating in discussions about digital accessibility, advocating for continuous improvement. 

By championing high standards of caption accuracy, we foster a more inclusive digital landscape. This allows equal access to the vast knowledge and entertainment available on the internet for all users.

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