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Mounting Evidence Points to Addiction as a Disease

Addiction is a serious problem that many Americans deal with every day. According to the 2018 edition of the...

Research and Stats 3 min read
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been one of the most widely researched medical conditions in the United States...
Legal 3 min read

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Do All Deaf People Use Sign Language?

When you encounter someone who is deaf or hard-of-hearing, your first instinct may be to use your hands to communicate. Maybe you’re fluent in...

Research and Stats 2 min read
One in four U.S. adults – or 61 million Americans – has a disability. Each one of those is a potential employee,...
Legal 3 min read
In the past few years, autism has been in the media more than it ever has before. This is a very positive change —...
Research and Stats 8 min read
A few decades ago, people who were diagnosed with a disability were pigeonholed into a category and often set on a...
Research and Stats 5 min read
The term crip time is used by some disability theorists and advocates to describe disabled individuals’ unique...
Research and Stats 2 min read
During the course of our lives, we all encounter challenges and hardships, sometimes severe. People with...
Research and Stats 3 min read
A while after I wrote my article about autism and masking, I was asked to pen the sequel you’re reading. It's...
Research and Stats 3 min read
One in four American adults lives with a disability. People with disabilities constitute the largest minority...
Research and Stats 6 min read
All organizations face financial resource pressures at different times. Today’s challenges in particular make it...
Research and Stats 4 min read
In 2021 it is estimated that over 61 million Americans live with a disability. As the country continues to improve...
Research and Stats 2 min read