Accessibility Blog

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Holiday Sales Boost: The Benefits of Accessible Online Retail

As the holiday shopping rush approaches, retailers stand to gain and have much to offer by ensuring their websites...

Digital Accessibility 4 min read
On October 5th, 2022, Deborah Laufer, a prolific Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) “tester,” filed a lawsuit...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
WhatsApp is one of the world's most widely known instant messaging apps. Millions of people use it daily, with 100...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
If the recent influx of accessibility lawsuits has taught us anything, it’s that businesses are legally vulnerable...
Digital Accessibility 4 min read
Head-tracking technology is relatively new. Similar to eye-tracking technology, it follows the motion of a...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
Netflix, a video streaming service, recently updated its captions allowances. Captions on the service have been...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
In today's digital age, companies must proactively prepare for lawsuits related to digital accessibility. With...
Digital Accessibility 4 min read
To accommodate the 26% of US adults with some form of disability, companies need to ensure the digital...
Digital Accessibility 5 min read
Though the term may no longer dominate headlines in 2023, the Internet of Things (IoT) is arguably more relevant...
Digital Accessibility 4 min read
Vision-related disability is one of the top ten disabilities among adults in the United States. With the...
Digital Accessibility 2 min read

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Introduction to Canadian Digital Accessibility Laws

With all the fear generated by the increasing number of published legal cases, no one wants to be on the wrong side of that battle. So, what can...

Digital Accessibility 5 min read
Access to healthcare is vital for all, and certainly no less so for persons with a disability. However, a number...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
Artificial intelligence is an evolving technology with great potential to enhance digital accessibility. More...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
Augmentative and alternative communication, or AAC, is any form of communication that supplements or replaces oral...
Digital Accessibility 4 min read
Neurodiversity is one of the more complicated types of disability, and few people understand what it means. For...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
Humans invented technology to help us see things more clearly centuries ago. Glasses, bifocals, magnifying...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
It makes sense to keep the customers you have — boosting retention rates by just 5% has been found to increase...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
Alt-text or alternative text is a short block of text used to describe images and other non-text content on a...
Digital Accessibility 3 min read
Awareness and understanding of accessibility laws have come a long way in the U.S., but if you're doing business...
Digital Accessibility 2 min read
The ideal computer operating system (OS) makes it easy for everyone, including people with disabilities. No matter...
Digital Accessibility 4 min read