Why Cost Shouldn’t Be a Hurdle to Make Sure Your Site Is Accessible

Published September 7, 2023

Everyone is feeling the effects of rising inflation rates, small business owners included. This is causing entrepreneurs and company leaders to reassess spending across the board.

But your accessibility budget should not be sacrificed when choosing where and how to cut costs. Your website is like a billboard, introducing people to your company or brand. And first impressions go a long way in business. 

To convert visitors into customers, you should aim to provide a positive experience for all. And when considering your audience, you must include those with disabilities. 

According to the Pew Research Center, 75% of Americans with disabilities report using the internet daily. 

But despite this large percentage of users, web accessibility standards are still falling short in some areas.

In a study of the homepages for the top 1,000,000 websites, over 51 million distinct accessibility errors were detected. (WebAIM)

Costs should not deter you from providing an accessible user experience on your website because, in the end, it pays off. Here are three reasons why.

Accessibility broadens your potential customer base

A digitally accessible website can bring more money in. A site with an accessible user experience expands your company’s reach, broadening your potential customer base by attracting — and keeping — new customers and clients.

So the money spent on accessibility is well worth it since you can make that money back and then some.

An accessible website avoids lawsuits

The mere mention of the word “lawsuit” is enough to send some people into a frenzy. This is understandable, as lawsuits are more than just inconvenient — they're costly and can potentially hurt your business's reputation.

In 2020, there were more than 3,500 digital accessibility lawsuits, with retailers being cited the most (77.55% ), and food service companies at 7.77% (UsableNet). 

Cutting corners when it comes to accessibility can end up costing you in the long run. Keep your business compliant with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations to avoid potential lawsuits.

Enhances SEO (search engine optimization)

Another key way to extend your reach is SEO. An accessible website increases your site’s performance. How? Adding things like alt text makes content more accessible for human users, but it does the same for crawlers — bots that browse the internet to maintain search engine results.

But remember that SEO is a bonus. Writing alt text is not the same and differs from just adding SEO keywords to content. Always prioritize adding alt text that can be easily understood by following best practices.

A digitally accessible website can only benefit and strengthen your business. Accessibility supports your marketing efforts and invites more users to engage with your brand and consider your products or services.

Vendor Directory

Accessibility.com offers the premier impartial listing of digital accessibility vendors.  Search for products and services by category, subcategory, or company name.  Check out our new Vendor Directory here.
