Overcoming Common Myths and Misconceptions about Digital Accessibility

Published April 12, 2023

Digital accessibility is designing and developing digital content, such as websites and mobile apps, to make them usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. However, many myths and misconceptions about digital accessibility can prevent organizations and individuals from prioritizing it. Read on to uncover some of the most prevalent myths about digital accessibility and why these myths are all false. 

Myth #1: Digital Accessibility is Only Relevant for People with Disabilities

One of the most common myths about digital accessibility, this misconception prevents organizations from prioritizing digital accessibility. Some may not see the value in investing time and resources to make their content accessible if it will only benefit a limited group of people. However, this myth is both inaccurate and harmful.

In reality, digital accessibility benefits everyone, not just people with disabilities. For example, captions in videos help not only people who are deaf or hard of hearing but also people who are watching videos in noisy environments or in a language they are not fluent in. Clear and concise language in web content benefits not only people with cognitive disabilities but also people reading on small screens or in a hurry. Digital accessibility makes digital content easier for everyone, regardless of ability.

Moreover, digital accessibility is not just about accommodating people with disabilities but about creating an inclusive digital environment for everyone. Inaccessibility can create barriers and exclude people from participating fully in the digital world, perpetuating social inequalities. By making digital content accessible, we can reduce these obstacles and create a more inclusive society where everyone has equal access to information and opportunities.

Myth #2: Digital Accessibility is Too Expensive

Some organizations may believe implementing digital accessibility is too expensive and not worth the investment. However, the cost of not addressing digital accessibility can be much higher in the long run. For example, inaccessible websites can result in lost business opportunities, legal liabilities, lost revenues, and decreased customer loyalty.

In contrast, implementing digital accessibility can improve the user experience for everyone, leading to increased engagement, customer loyalty, and revenue. Moreover, many accessibility features, such as adding alt text to images, are simple and inexpensive.

While it is true that making digital content accessible may require some upfront costs, the long-term benefits often outweigh these costs. Additionally, there are many affordable and even free accessibility tools and resources available, such as accessibility checkers and guidelines like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). By using these tools and resources, organizations can identify and fix accessibility issues relatively cheaply.

Myth #3: Digital Accessibility is Too Complicated, and Technical

Accessibility for digital devices can initially seem overwhelming and technical, but there are ways to make it more accessible.  Many accessibility guidelines and tools are available to make digital accessibility simple and easy to understand. For example, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide clear and specific recommendations for making digital content accessible. Many accessibility tools, such as screen readers and automated accessibility checkers, are also available to help identify and fix accessibility issues.

Developers can also integrate digital accessibility into existing design and development plans rather than requiring an additional step.

Myth #4: Digital Accessibility is Just a Checkbox to Meet Legal Requirements

While legal requirements, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), can motivate organizations to prioritize digital accessibility, accessibility goes beyond legal requirements. Digital accessibility is about creating an inclusive digital environment for everyone. Inclusion, diversity, and social responsibility can be demonstrated by organizations that prioritize digital accessibility.  Moreover, digital accessibility can improve an organization's reputation and brand, leading to increased trust and loyalty from customers and stakeholders.

In addition, prioritizing accessibility can improve search engine optimization (SEO) and enhance the overall user experience. For example, using clear and concise language in web content can improve SEO and make the content more user-friendly for everyone. Organizations can improve their digital content quality and usability by making it more accessible, which increases engagement and customer satisfaction.

Digital accessibility is becoming increasingly important as the world becomes more digital. With more people relying on digital technology for work, school, and entertainment, ensuring digital content is accessible is essential to ensuring everyone has equal access to information and opportunities.

Myth #5: Digital Accessibility is Only About Blindness and Visual Impairment

Another common myth about digital accessibility is that it only involves blindness and visual impairment and is, therefore,only relevant for people with these specific disabilities. While blindness and visual impairment are important disabilities to consider in digital accessibility, they are not the only ones. Other disabilities and conditions, such as deafness, cognitive disabilities, and motor disabilities, also affect the ability to use digital content. Digital accessibility should include all disabilities and conditions, not just visual ones.

For example, people with hearing impairments may rely on captions or transcripts for videos and audio content. In contrast, people with motor disabilities may use alternative input devices or software to navigate digital content.

Similarly, people with cognitive disabilities, such as dyslexia or ADHD, may benefit from accessible digital content that uses clear and simple language and avoids distracting design elements. Accessible digital content can also help people with temporary disabilities, such as a broken arm or temporary vision loss, and people with situational disabilities, such as a loud environment or bright sunlight.

By prioritizing digital accessibility, organizations can ensure that their digital content is usable by the widest possible audience, regardless of disability status.


From online shopping to remote work to social media, digital content is a pervasive part of modern life. By prioritizing accessibility, organizations can ensure that their digital content is accessible to the widest audience, resulting in increased engagement, customer loyalty, and revenue. These digital accessibility myths should be discouraged so organizations and individuals can prioritize accessibility in their digital content.

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