How to Ensure Visually Accessible Online Shopping This Holiday Season

Published December 20, 2023

Navigating the digital marketplace can be daunting for shoppers with visual impairments, especially during the bustling holiday season. These individuals may face unique barriers when shopping online, such as websites with limited screen reader compatibility, product videos without audio descriptions, and inadequate text scaling options.

Such challenges can hinder their shopping experience and contribute to a sense of exclusion during a time meant for joy and coming together. It’s the responsibility of online retailers to recognize and address these obstacles. Enhancing accessibility not only empowers shoppers with visual impairments but also enriches the overall inclusivity of digital shopping, making the holidays more accommodating and enjoyable for everyone.

In this piece, we'll explore considerations to ensure online retail is accessible to people with visual impairments.

Accessibility in online retail 

The goal of digital accessibility is to ensure that users across the ability spectrum can effectively interact with online products and platforms. Put into practice, this means enhancing websites with accommodations such as keyboard navigation, coherent page structures, and captions on video content.

In today's digital marketplace, these considerations broaden the consumer base for businesses, uphold values of inclusivity, and foster an equitable digital shopping experience. Embracing digital accessibility ensures that more users, regardless of their abilities, can fully and independently participate in the holiday traditions we all cherish.

Visual impairments and online shopping

Understanding visual impairments is key to recognizing the diverse challenges faced in online shopping. These impairments range from partial vision loss to complete blindness, each presenting unique hurdles with digital navigation. 

Common frustrations include poor page contrast ratios, illegible fonts, and missing alternative (alt) text for images. Such limitations can transform a simple online shopping task into a daunting, sometimes inaccessible, experience. As such, online retailers need to prioritize inclusive design and compatibility with assistive technology on their platforms. 

Ensure compatibility with assistive tools

Assistive technologies play a crucial role during high-traffic shopping periods like the holidays or Black Friday. They make it easier for users with visual impairments to find gifts for their loved ones efficiently and independently. Retail websites need to ensure compatibility with these technologies for better accessibility. 

For instance, consider screen readers. These tools convert text to automated speech, which is crucial for those who rely on auditory information to navigate websites. A key part of making websites accessible through screen readers is the use of alt text for images. Alt text provides descriptive text for images, allowing screen reader users to perceive and understand visual content. This is particularly useful for interpreting product images and descriptions. 

Websites should also be compatible with braille displays. These devices use screen readers to convert on-screen text into braille characters. This means that if a website is screen reader compatible, there’s a good chance that it is also braille-display compatible.

Users who are blind can use braille displays to search for products, communicate with shop owners, and enter contact information in a format that accommodates their needs.

Incorporate accessible features on a webpage

During the holiday season, websites often update with new products, deals, and information. To ensure these updates reach as many shoppers as possible, every element of an online shop page should be accessible.

For example, if a web page features a video that advertises or demonstrates a new product, that video should include audio descriptions. These are audio tracks that narrate the events of video-based content, ensuring that users with low vision do not miss out on important information while shopping.

Web pages should also adhere to digitally accessible design principles. These include using appropriate color contrast ratios, which aid users with low vision in distinguishing text and images, including clear, descriptive labeling of links and buttons, predictable content structures, and simplified navigation menus.

Customizable display settings also contribute to web page accessibility. These settings allow users to adjust text size and other aspects of design to suit individual visual needs, making shopping easier for those with varying degrees of visual impairment. 

Don’t forget to make mobile apps accessible

The surge in e-commerce has resulted in the growing popularity of mobile shopping apps, now a staple for many consumers. During busy shopping periods like holiday sales, visually accessible mobile shopping apps can help a retailer boost their revenue and customer base. 

For example, mobile shopping apps should be operable using voice commands. This allows users to search for products, navigate through the app, and complete purchases using voice instructions, minimizing the need for visual interaction.


Businesses must recognize the value of inclusive practices, which range from accessible web and app design to assistive technology compatibility. Taking these measures is key to broadening their customer base and enhancing shopper satisfaction. 

Embracing and implementing features that accommodate shoppers with visual impairments not only fosters inclusivity but also demonstrates a commitment to serving a diverse clientele, ultimately contributing to a more equitable digital marketplace. This holiday season, practice accessibility and make sure your online shop is as open to as many customers as possible.


Accessibility Services for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses - Free Online Event!

Join us on Wednesday, May 1st, at 1 PM ET for a free online event to explore how to evaluate and select accessibility services for your small to medium-sized business. Click here to learn more about this event and to register.

Click here to see our Events Calendar.'s 2024 events will utilize the Zoom Events platform, offering a virtual expo hall for attendees to meet with prospective vendors. If your company is interested in being part of the expo hall, don't hesitate to get in touch with

Vendor Directory offers the premier impartial listing of digital accessibility vendors.  Search for products and services by category, subcategory, or company name.  Check out our new Vendor Directory here.
