Online Event: Risky Business? Only If You’re Not In Compliance

Published February 20, 2023

WCAG, or the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, is beginning a new stage. Version 2.2 is due to be finalized in April 2023, and version 3.0 has already begun the drafting phase. As the digital world explodes with growth and innovation and more and more companies shift online, the importance of WCAG becomes something nobody can afford to ignore. 

Luckily, is here to assist you in understanding WCAG, the updated criteria, and what the future looks like for digital accessibility with a complimentary online event on Thursday, February 23rd, 2023, at 1:00 PM ET.   

What is WCAG?

WCAG is all about digital accessibility. It is a global set of guidelines for businesses and individuals to follow in order to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities, and allow equitable digital access to the Internet. Following them is critical to ensure your website is accessible, and they are updated as technology innovates and changes. As they update, you must follow the new guidelines to remain in compliance. 

First created in 1999, WCAG has been championing the cause of digital accessibility ever since. The current version, version 2.1, covers a number of accessibility issues, including orientation, contrast, and keyboard shortcuts. International experts worked on these sets of standards to ensure the best methods of accessibility were reached and no detail was disregarded. 

As each version was released, they built on the previous version instead of disregarding it. What came before each version is still important and shouldn’t be disregarded in the wake of a new version. The WCAG is innovated in a similar manner to technology – using previous versions as building blocks. 

Why attend?

Remaining WCAG compliant is not just a recommendation for your business – it is a requirement. With the changes in the air for the guidelines, however, it can be nerve-wracking wondering if your website will meet the new criteria or not, and what you may need to change to bring your website up to compliance. 

WCAG can be confusing and daunting to take on by yourself, but is here to help. Our webinar will help highlight the ins and outs of the upcoming version 2.2, future expectations for the WCAG, implement the new changes, and help you remain compliant with each new guideline that is released. 

Being out of compliance with WCAG means closing off your website to a large number of people. 10 percent of the world’s population has a disability, which means having a website that is inaccessible will result in a loss of customers and visitors when people with disabilities cannot access your content. Adhering to the WCAG is the only way to prevent this from happening. Though it’s a daunting task, our event can help clear up any questions you may have. 

About the event

This event has two keynote speakers: Casey Naiduk, Lead Product Regulatory Strategist for Accessibility at Oracle, and Garry Harstad, Vice President of Technology at The Bureau of Internet Accessibility. Both speakers have extensive knowledge of the WCAG, its implementation, and how to stay compliant. 

Sponsors of the event include the Bureau of Internet Accessibility (BoIA), an organization focused on the WCAG, Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), and digital accessibility, and Accessibility.Works, a WCAG and ADA website compliance consulting group. Both organizations have worked diligently with the WCAG and are passionate about assisting businesses in their compliance. 

Register here. If you have questions please contact Lori at


The WCAG is a many-layered, evolving set of standards that are critical to adhere to in order to ensure your website remains accessible. To better understand the latest version, get your questions answered, and hear about the potential future outcomes of the WCAG, join for our webinar: “Risky Business? Only If You’re Not In Compliance.”

Vendor Directory offers the premier impartial listing of digital accessibility vendors.  Search for products and services by category, subcategory, or company name.  Check out our new Vendor Directory here.
