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Digital Accessibility Vendors

Page 26 of 26 504 Vendors, 20 per page

  1. Accessible Digital Solutions

    With our combined experience of over 60 years and a human-centered approach to everything we do, we know exactly what it takes to make your website and digital marketing strategy truly shine. From stunning website design and development to expert...

    (New window to Desert Wing Design website) https://desertwing.com/

    Website Services Accessible Website Design
  2. TransLinguist is a dynamic, tech-driven AI conferencing platform reshaping multilingual communication. Our goal is to replace hardware with a solution that lets all connect, converse, and comprehend in their native languages, anywhere. With...

    (New window to TransLinguist Inc website) https://translinguist.com/

    Speech Communication Software and Devices
  3. Create AI-driven, meaningful alt text for both stand-alone images and multiple images within a document

    ICS for Alt Text automatically creates alternative (alt) text for images using Large Language Models (LLMs) and Ictect’s patented Intelligent Content software. Fully integrated with Microsoft Word. Improves document accessibility. The Alt Text...

    (New window to Ictect Inc. website) https://www.ictect.com

    Website Services Accessible Website Design
  4. holistic accessibility support

    Digital and physical accessibility. Web, software, mobile audits. Accessibility training. Event and exhibit accessibility. 3D replicas

    (New window to Even Grounds website) https://evengrounds.com

    Accessibility Consulting Accessibility Consulting Services