Accessibility Blog

What Influence do Accessibility Executives have on Organizational Culture?

Written by Cam Waller | August 18, 2022

Removing barriers to accessibility is crucial to creating more equity within an organization, and instilling a fair, inclusive culture is part of that process. 

In addition to providing leadership and driving efforts to break down barriers, accessibility executives influence an organization's culture. But how far does that influence go?

Shaping the organization's identity

Executive leaders are bound to have differing visions, opinions, and motivations related to the values and morals of an organization, depending on their area of expertise. These different perspectives can contribute to a more robust identity that reflects the organization and the desired culture.

Accessibility executives can establish and enforce policies to provide equal access and accommodations, provide organization-wide education about disabilities and accessibility to increase awareness, and define expected behaviors to ensure a safe and fair environment.

Setting an example

Accessibility executives don't just influence the organizational culture through policies; they also do so through their actions. An effective accessibility executive will model the type of behavior expected within the organization. They take it upon themselves to embody and represent the type of culture they want to foster, encouraging others to embrace and reflect the organization's values.

Encouraging professional development and personal growth

Accessibility executives can help improve awareness and efficacy by encouraging, supporting, and facilitating training opportunities—both in accessibility and other skills—for employees. They also recognize that learning and growth are omnidirectional. Creating an environment where employees can exchange and learn from one another and make it clear that they are also open to learning from others at all levels within the organization will help foster an environment in which open exchange and limitless learning can occur.

Establishing a culture of open exchange can also, in turn, further support accessibility initiatives. Environments where everyone has access to the resources they need to learn and improve reduce the tension and stress that requesting learning support or accommodations can cause, even when employees know the option is available.

Facilitating open communication

Encouraging and facilitating open communication can also significantly impact an organization's culture. Like learning from each other, open communication can strengthen an organization and contribute to a safer and more supportive environment.

When employees feel comfortable communicating with leadership, they are more likely to share insights into what's working well, what needs improvement and what barriers remain.

Prioritizing employee wellness

Employee wellness should be a tenet of any organization's culture, but prioritizing employees can also help develop that culture positively. Employees who feel financially secure, have a good work-life balance, are physically and mentally healthy, and feel respected shape an organization's culture.

Ongoing development

The internal culture says a lot about an organization, and since executive leadership strongly influences that culture, designating the right accessibility executive is crucial. 

An organizational culture that values equality, respect, equal opportunities, and well-being will help sustain a safe, positive, and rewarding workplace where employees can grow and succeed. And a diverse workplace in which persons with disabilities are equally recognized for their skills and contributions and can fully participate and thrive will, in turn, continue to nurture a healthy culture within the organization. 

An effective accessibility executive will remain dedicated to building such a culture and continue to seek out and pursue means of strengthening it over time.