Accessibility Blog

Website Readability

Written by Nick Awad | January 22, 2024

While digital accessibility includes adapting websites for assistive technologies, such as screen readers and keyboards, it delves deeper. It means ensuring that web content is not only reachable but also understandable by all. This is where website readability comes into play.   

Readability stands as a crucial component in crafting accessible websites. It ensures that the content presented is clear, understandable, and digestible for every visitor, paving the way for an inclusive digital experience. In this piece, we will explore the concept of website readability and provide a list of its best practices.   

What is website readability? 

Website readability refers to how easily a user can understand the text on a web page. It goes beyond the language of content to include its presentation and organization. 

 Imagine a web page filled with jargon, set in a hard-to-read font, and lacking a clear structure. Users of all abilities would need help to grasp the intended message. As a result, they might avoid the page or be less likely to recommend it to others. 

Readable websites avoid these pitfalls. Designers who prioritize readability strive for sites that are understandable, consistent, and easy to navigate. 

Why is readability important? 

Readability is crucial for designing user-friendly web pages. It caters to the broadest audience by delivering organized and straightforward information. In today's fast-paced world, users expect web content to be concise and direct. Readable content fulfills this expectation, enhancing the user experience. 

Readability also provides technical advantages for site owners, notably in search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines, such as Google, favor websites that prioritize readability. Those that are easy to navigate and understand rank higher in search results, increasing the site's visibility and reach. 

Through these effective practices, readability fosters digital inclusivity. Clear, straightforward content assists users with cognitive impairments. WebAIM notes that designing accessible content for 6.5 million Americans with varied intellectual abilities is vital yet challenging. 

Because intellectual disabilities vary widely, no guidelines can address all requirements. Nonetheless, providing readable content that is consistent, clear, and easily navigable is a step in the right direction. 

Best practices for writing text 

A key component of readability is the language chosen for written content. Opt for simple language that resonates with a wide array of readers. Clear communication often outweighs complex vocabulary. For example, use simpler words like "use" instead of "utilize." 

When crafting content, consider the audience's familiarity with the subject. Are they experts in the field? Is the content intended for beginners? Reflecting on these questions can inform tone, complexity, and depth adjustments to their specific needs. 

Regardless of the audience, excessive jargon can deter readers of all expertise levels. Always consider offering definitions or context for technical terms or industry-specific language to ensure the content is inclusive and easy to understand. 

Best practices for presenting text

On digital platforms, visual presentation plays a significant role in readability. A prime example is ensuring suitable color contrast between text and its background. This not only aids users with visual impairments but also enhances the overall reading experience. Tools, such as WebAIM's Color Contrast Checker, help ensure that text is distinct and easy to read. 

It is also important not to depend solely on color to convey meaning. Although color can effectively differentiate or emphasize content, over-reliance can pose challenges. For instance, using only red for negative outcomes and green for positive ones can be problematic for those with color blindness, affecting readability. 

Consistency remains crucial. Maintaining a consistent font size across web content promotes a smooth and predictable reading experience. While font sizes for headings might differ from stressing certain aspects, the primary text should remain uniform in size, ensuring ease of reading without unnecessary effort. 

Best Practices Organizing text 

The organization of text profoundly affects a web page's readability. Streamlined and structured content ensures that users can navigate and grasp information effortlessly. 

Headings play an essential role in readability. They segment content and guide readers through different sections. But balance is crucial. Overusing headings can introduce visual clutter, making the content seem fragmented. Employ headings judiciously, highlighting key sections or topic shifts. 

Deploy lists and tables when outlining multiple points or data to boost comprehension further. These visual tools distill information, allowing users to capture the central message or compare specific data points swiftly. 

Lastly, many individuals quickly skim web pages to gauge the content's core. Extensive blocks of text can dissuade these readers, undermining readability. Breaking content into short, succinct paragraphs maintains engagement and clarity.  

How to Test Readability 

While designers can use their judgment to ensure readability, testing the content for quality assurance is crucial. Several online resources test readability, including: 

  • Web FX Readability Test- This tool evaluates readability based on a provided URL.
  • Readability Formulas Scoring System- This tool uses various formulas to measure the readability of input text. These formulas account for sentence length and word complexity to estimate the text's readability. 
  • Hemingway Editor- Beyond traditional readability scores, the Hemingway Editor identifies complex sentences, passive voice, and other potential content issues. It suggests ways to make the text more straightforward. 
  • WebAIM Color Contrast Checker- Readability extends beyond text complexity to presentation. This tool ensures the text has appropriate contrast against its background, essential for users with visual impairments and overall readability. 

 While these tools offer valuable insights, real-world feedback is needed. Manual user testing is invaluable, where real users interact with and comment on the content. These firsthand accounts provide qualitative insights, highlighting readability aspects automated tools might overlook. Involving diverse testers, especially those with disabilities, guarantees the content appeals to a wide audience. 


Readability ensures content is not only seen but also understood. In an era of abundant information, conveying clear and concise messages is crucial. Readability expands the audience, supports individuals with cognitive challenges, and enhances the user experience. 

This practice goes beyond language choices; it involves the organization and display of written content. Everything from font color contrast to information structure plays a part. 

 For website owners and designers, emphasizing readability is an act of inclusivity and a strategic decision. A readable website boosts user engagement and can even improve search engine rankings. It is essential to treat readability as a fundamental aspect of web design and content creation, not just an afterthought.