Accessibility Blog

Roles and Responsibilities of Accessibility Champions in Leadership

Written by Cam Waller | August 19, 2022

Society relies on strong leaders to provide guidance, support, and direction in making progress and affecting change. As accessibility becomes more defined worldwide, many accessibility champions are still working on getting organized and designated leaders.

But what exactly are the roles and responsibilities of leaders in accessibility?

In this article, we'll cover what to expect of accessibility leaders and how they contribute to the success of accessibility initiatives.

Taking ownership

Leaders in accessibility are responsible for defining an initiative's goals and objectives, ensuring they align with the organization's overall goals, and keeping things in motion. 

In taking ownership, leaders will form strategies to drive the initiative's success, document progress, and reevaluate and revise priorities and action plans as needed. Their roles and responsibilities are held accountable, and they see that others do the same.

Facilitating communication

There are so many potential barriers to accessibility globally that almost every role within an organization can contribute to improving accessibility somehow. That calls for a lot of communication.

Accessibility leaders facilitate communication between departments, teams, and other leaders within an organization. They're responsible for reporting on goals, targets, and progress, sharing feedback, and responding to questions.

Clear communication is essential to the success of any initiative. Hence, leaders in accessibility play a crucial role in driving that success by keeping everyone informed and on the same page.

Listening to others

Leaders in accessibility are bound to share a lot of information with others, but they also pay attention to what others say. By listening to the experiences, perspectives, and feedback, leaders can get a more accurate idea of what things are like throughout the organization and consider new ways of framing and approaching things.

The voices of those who aren't in leadership positions matter and have value, so a leader who hears, responds to, and considers those voices while strategizing will discuss further accessibility initiatives much more effectively.

Supporting education

The world is ever-changing, and staying on top of what one needs to know to improve and maintain accessibility requires ongoing effort. Accessibility leaders serve as coaches and mentors, sharing what they know and remaining open and receptive to learning more.

They also identify learning opportunities, provide training, and should set standards for making sure everyone does have the chance to keep their knowledge up-to-date.

Shaping culture

Leaders in accessibility are in a great position to promote a culture of inclusivity and acceptance. They can set an example and establish norms by modeling the type of behavior expected within the organization.

Leaders can also contribute to creating policies to help reinforce the desired culture and identity of the organization. This will help maintain a safer, more equitable environment and communicate expectations to those outside the organization.

Advocating and taking action

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and the responsibilities of an accessibility leader add up to more than just the description of their role. They're tools for effective advocacy and progress.

Leaders in accessibility constantly work to improve awareness and ensure that removing barriers remains central to the organization's overall mission. Their leadership keeps the individuals contributing to the initiative on track, makes sure goals remain clear, and help overcome the challenges that may get in the way of achieving those goals.

Leaders in accessibility make sure that initiatives don't stop with advocacy. They take ownership and hold themselves and others accountable for taking action.