Accessibility Blog

Gaming to Combat Social Isolation

Written by Cam Waller | December 15, 2021

Social relationships are a critical aspect of life as a human being, and the effect that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the social lives of people around the world has made that more apparent than ever. As social animals, humans have a need to interact with one another and feel like part of a group. Social relationships provide a sense of safety, security, and meaning, and they contribute to one’s health and well-being overall.

Impacts of isolation

Just as the positive effects of strong social relationships are known, isolation has been shown to have a negative impact on physical and mental health, and can even increase one’s mortality risk. And the earlier that isolation starts and the longer it lasts, the more significant this impact can become. There are also the particularly palpable effects of not having anyone around when accidents or medical emergencies occur, or during other times of need.

Who is at risk?

As social distancing has taught us, almost anyone could become subject to social isolation at some point, but there are some people who are more likely to find themselves isolated at any point in time.

People with disabilities

People with disabilities that affect their ability to get around or communicate independently with others may find it difficult to leave their home or connect with others frequently enough to provide sufficient social interaction. Discrimination and lack of understanding from people around them may also create additional challenges in building strong connections with others.

Older adults

Older adults who find themselves separated from the social networks they had when they were younger are also particularly susceptible to social isolation. Family and friends may move away, or they may relocate later in life and find it difficult to re-foster relationships as deep as the ones they may have had before.

People lacking access to transportation

Having no means of transportation can greatly increase one’s chances of being isolated. This is especially true for those who may be living in remote areas or places that do not have robust, accessible public transportation.

People facing social barriers

People with social anxiety or phobias, who do not speak the language of the community they live in, or who experience other challenges in social settings may find it difficult to pursue the interactions that could build strong social relationships. This could lead to isolation even if they are actively experiencing a need or want for social connection.

How games can help

In addition to being a general source of interactive entertainment, games can serve as a tool to help close the distance between people and fight social isolation. Games can provide the opportunity for virtual interaction, which could be particularly helpful during times of isolation. They can be used to connect, interact, and enjoy time with loved ones or as a way of meeting new people, as many multiplayer games have communities that form around them. They can also create a framework for interaction and a safe space for expression, which may be useful for those who may find it challenging to approach or be open with others in less structured settings.

Types of games

Choosing what type of game to play is ultimately a choice of personal preference, but there are several types of games that may be especially ideal for fighting social isolation.

Massively multiplayer online games

Massively multiplayer online games—often called MMOS—provide worlds or settings in which many players can participate. Players will often come together to face challenges and may form long-term groups and communities that may eventually extend beyond the game.

Party games

Often casual, party games can be a fun way to connect with friends and family even from afar. Doing something with loved ones can reinforce feelings of closeness and belonging during periods of isolation.

Multiplayer simulation and sandbox games

People often play simulation and sandbox games alone, but there are several that also have multiplayer options. Many of these games have a focus on creativity or relaxation, providing an opportunity to escape to a virtual space together.

Player versus player games

Commonly known as PVP, these games have a focus on real-time competition, both one-on-one and in teams. Since real people control allies and adversaries, PVP games may be able to provide a satisfying challenge for those who may miss in-person competitive activities.

Mobile games

Many mobile games include social features allowing players to game together, motivate each other or simply compete. There are mobile options for nearly every genre of game, and since they don’t require a computer or desktop, they can be a more accessible way for people to game together.

Digitized tabletop games

Board games, card games, and tabletop roleplaying games have traditionally been played in person. Nowadays, there are many options for playing these games digitally, allowing those who prefer them over video games to play together and enjoy the social interaction they provide from a distance.

Future considerations

Even prior to the pandemic, social isolation was on the rise, and people who have been especially vulnerable to isolation have always existed. Games have been under scrutiny regarding their value or potential harm for quite some time, but as technology advances, games become more social, and more developers focus on accessibility, there’s a great opportunity to explore the ways in which they can continue to be used to help keep people connected and overcome some of the negative effects of isolation.