Accessibility Blog

Companies that Meet or Exceed ADA Employment Requirements

Written by Nick Awad | July 12, 2022

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Individuals must be qualified to perform essential functions of the job with or without necessary accommodations. They must also be able to satisfy any preliminary job requirements. This includes experience or certification.

To go above and beyond is more than just diversifying a workplace; it means being inclusive and incorporating all stakeholders in the development of organizational culture. This can be done by offering experience, raising awareness in the workplace, and contributing to the greater environment of an inclusive workforce.


Sodexo is a food services and facility management company founded in 1966. Their products can be seen in schools, commercial buildings, and care facilities in over 50 countries.

Over the years, Sodexo has been recognized as an employer for people with disabilities. In 2021, the company received accolades from the NGLCC, the NBIC, and the DEI. In 2018, they achieved leadership status in the UK's Disability Confidence Scheme.

This recognition is attributed to Sodexo's hiring of workers with disabilities globally. 

Creating a diverse workforce isn't Sodexo's only mission, the company is also dedicated to spreading disability awareness. In 2020, Sodexo published a report entitled "A Day Without Explanation: The Future of Disability Inclusion?"

The report resulted from a survey Sodexo conducted to understand the experience of employees with disabilities better. The survey found that 79% of workers with disabilities found it challenging to nurture an inner sense of confidence.

Sodexo has committed to providing 100% of their workforce access to disability support initiatives by 2025. 


In 2020, the DEI recognized Walgreens as a model employer. This recognition is due, in part, to Walgreens' diverse workforce and its commitment to disability education, and it's also due to the company's integrative training programs.

Walgreen's programs allow employees receive necessary job skills to help them progress within the company. One such program is their Transitional Work Group (TWG). This program trains employees with disabilities to work in Walgreens' warehouses and distribution facilities. 

The company's Retail Employees with Disabilities Initiative (REDI) is a similar program. This program offers training opportunities for jobs at Wallgreens stores, and positions include cashiers and stockers. 

Programs such as these are what help Walgreens exceed the expectations of most companies in inclusion. They value providing workers the necessary education and experience to succeed. Should an employee decide to move on from Walgreens, they will be armed with the experience necessary to get them hired anywhere.

TD Bank

TD Bank is another accredited company with programs dedicated to employee education. A model employer for the past seven years, TD is known for its partnerships based on employment transition.

One such partnership is with Project Search. Project Search is a transitional program that helps bring students with disabilities into the workforce. The program provides education around employment with classroom instruction and career exploration. For its part, TD offers internship opportunities for Project Search participants.

TD provides job experience, but it also provides an opportunity for employees to learn more about banking.

Marriott International

Marriott is another company recognized for exceeding ADA requirements. Not only does Marriott have its transition program, but it provides opportunities for the greater community.

According to a letter from its CEO, Marriott takes part in Diversity: IN's Supplier Diversity Program. This program links disability-owned businesses to Marriott to diversify their supply chain. This goes beyond just spreading disability awareness.

This contributes to a greater environment of inclusion for workers with disabilities. Marriott is investing not just in its workers but also in workers all over. It provides differently-abled workers the opportunity to expand and nurture their businesses.