Accessibility Blog

Applying SmartHome Task Prompter Technology to the Workplace

Written by Fred Hobbs, Imagine! | September 15, 2020

In 2005, Imagine!, an organization that serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, launched one of its most ambitious projects ever: the development of two SmartHomes.

Imagine!’s SmartHomes incorporate a variety of cutting-edge technologies designed to enhance the quality of life for residents, augment the effectiveness of staff as caregivers, and provide cost and energy savings for Imagine!.

In addition, the SmartHomes are serving as living laboratories to design and test technologies that may then be applicable to supporting individuals with disabilities in other aspects of their lives. For example, Imagine!’s use of task prompters in our SmartHomes uses technology that may also support these individuals in the workforce.

Task prompters at home

Imagine!'s SmartHomes are equipped with touch screen task prompters loaded with step-by-step recipes for a variety of healthy and delicious meals. Independently cooking a full meal can be a challenge for some people with cognitive disabilities, so the voice and picture prompts walk the user through each step of the task, from picking the correct pots and pans, to following safety tips, to placing the final meal on a plate. Individuals living in the home can use the prompter to take charge of their own meals and regain a key sense of control over their own lives.

Task prompters at work — Kelly's story

It doesn't take a big leap to see how the task prompters at the home could also be incredibly useful for businesses wanting to hire individuals with cognitive disabilities. Kelly's story (not her real name) illustrates this perfectly.

Kelly is a young woman with an intellectual disability. A few years back, she served an internship at Boulder Community Hospital, but like many of us, Kelly sometimes struggles to stay focused on her responsibilities.

This is where technology comes in. Kelly was equipped with a smart phone (which she named "Lucky") containing software that provided task-prompting for her job duties. When Kelly would lose focus or was unsure of her next steps, the task prompter was right there to offer simple, step-by-step guidance through complex job activities.

Using the task-prompting system opened a new world of possibilities for Kelly. In years past, she may have required the attention of a job coach or a direct support professional in order to maintain employment. Thanks to her task prompter, Kelly was able to fulfill her job responsibilities with a limited amount of supervision, and a reduction in time and resources needed to support her employment.

The benefits of task-prompting technology don't end with individuals like Kelly. It also makes it much easier for businesses to envision hiring and retaining individuals with certain disabilities. Something as simple as a hand-held task prompter eliminates many of the barriers that have sometimes prevented businesses from tapping into an extensive and qualified labor pool.

Awareness of this specific technology may also call to mind other reasonable accommodations employers may not have considered in the past. Accommodations don't have to be expensive or complicated to be effective.


Imagine! provides services designed to incorporate people with developmental, cognitive, and physical challenges into the fabric of their communities. Services include educational and therapeutic services, job training and placement, recreation and leisure activities, opportunities for community living, behavioral health services, technology solutions, and support for families.

Learn more about Imagine!