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Announcing AccessibilityPlus 2022
AccessibilityPlus 2022 is a series of monthly events addressing important accessibility topics. Monthly events will incorporate thought leaders throughout the industry and include actionable items that your organization can take now to develop an accessible and inclusive culture and workforce.
The term crip time is used by some disability theorists and advocates to describe disabled individuals’ unique relationship to time. Crip time indicates the complexity of disabled experience in a world with many barriers to accessibility.
Hate crimes against people with disabilities have increased ten-fold over the years. In 1997, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported 13 hate crimes against people with disabilities. By 2020, that number jumped to 130 hate crimes.
College Students With Disabilities Are Protesting Accessibility Barriers
Across the country, countless students with disabilities are challenging university administrators to rethink accessibility.
On December 1, 2021 the DOJ reached a settlement agreement with Hy-Vee, Inc., an employee-owned chain of almost 250 supermarkets located in the mid-west United States.
The Accessible Customer Service for Virtual Customer Service Teams training course is specially crafted to build an inclusive and accessible customer experience.